10 of my Favourite Books

This will have to be one of the toughest lists I will make. I feel bad for leaving any books out but I will admit there are some I just become disappointed in after finishing. I also never leave a book unfinished, even if I cannot stand it half way through. On with the list.

  1. Fried Green Tomatoes by Fannie Flagg – So many feelings are had when reading this book.
  2. Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens – I actually have a hard copy of this book. To be fair this book takes commitment to read so it does not happen all that often.
  3. Call of the Wild by Jack London
  4. The Help by Kathryn Stockett – I just really enjoy this book
  5. Catcher and in Rye by J. D. Salinger
  6. Dream Catcher by Stephen King – This book terrified me ha-ha
  7. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien – I read this book in 7th grade (borrowed it from my step-father) and I just immediately fell in love with it.
  8. Animal Farm by George Orwell – We read this in school but I have read it many times since than.
  9. Charlotte’s Web by EB White
  10. The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson – Mark Twain

This list was even harder to write than the movie list. There are just so many out there. Again, I head trouble keeping to the recent but the classics are just that, classics. I made sure not to repeat any authors and picked my absolute out of the handful of books I love from some of them. Till tough narrowing it down to ten though.

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Doga: Starting Yoga with Galaxy

Oh how I wish I got a photo or video clip of when I completed a yoga video with Galaxy existing. It was all cute until both dogs decided they should be weaved in between me and then start playing while I was in the downward dog pose. It did not end well for any of us.

I haven not done yoga in at least two years. This is a new thing for her. The last few months I have not been able to complete a secession as she would push against me or try playing. This time she pretty much just relaxed; laid on her side with her paws under my body. Depending on the pose or switches she would push her head under my body as well. I am not bothered by this. I actually quite enjoy the dogs relaxing beside me. It just makes switching interesting at times. Although, her taking up half the mat is something I could live with out.

Bullet was more interested in hanging out during the relaxing entrance and exit of the secession. It is another topic but Bullet loved when I practiced belly dancing with a coin belt on. That is not safe for him though as I could accidently step on him while he laid there. I am afraid to introduce that one to Galaxy.

Right now I am focusing on routine that is good for people who sit for long periods of time. With tax season coming up very quickly I would like the routine to be slightly easier so I can reap the full benefits of relaxing and de-stressing after a long day of frustrations.

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How I Got Started in my Career

I mention it here and there through out the blog. The thing is I am not really sure what to call myself. I am not an accountant and will not say I am one. I have not done the schooling to be able to claim that label. However I am not just a bookkeeper either. I do a lot of different things. Lets start from the beginning though.

At the beginning I was working as a manager at a financial institution in 2013. I could not handle somethings that the job involved, I felt guilty most of the time. That was when, my mother who constantly said I should go into her field of work, I decided to give bookkeeping a shot. She was ready to leave an account she had and I went in to pitch my services. The advantage I had was I have my mother. She new the account and could help me along the way. I started out slowly with that and then I helped with preparing T1s (personal taxes) that year as well.

I did the bookkeeping thing (for only the one account) for a year and a half I believe. Maybe it was two. We mutually dropped the account and I had to figure out what the hell I was going to do. That was when my relationship was done and I went back to driving 45 minutes for work each way. Till I moved back spring 2014. I helped with T1s again for the second time and helped out with bookkeeping at the office. This continued on for 2015.

During the fall of 2015 I did payroll when my mother and stepfather went on vacation. I was a little more involved when it came to clients. Although still was not sure where things heading for me. When 2016 hit things moved a little faster. I took on more of the office responsibility. I took more of an on charge response to T1s and dealt with clients more often. After tax season I took on payroll completely and have been doing it since. I am not all knowing when it comes to payroll but I definitely have it down pat.

Now entering 2017 I will be taking on even more. Collections, bookkeeping, payroll, T1s, T4s, tax reports, and pretty much everything excluding T2s (business taxes). At this time I have chosen not to proceed with T2s. They are much more time consuming and I see how frustrating they can be. I really do not know what label I should use when people ask what I do. I tend to list off a few things that I do. Currently I use office manager for clients or prospective clients.

Back to the point though. I started in my career because I could not do my current job at the time any more. I decided to give in to my mothers suggestion and give bookkeeping a shot. It all grew and moved forward from there. I love my career and I love being to help people. Understanding the Government can be a hard thing to do; we do not always understand them either. I feel even better when I can help those who really need it, from those that rely on social credits and have the Government holding them back (usually for the most ridiculous reasons) to those who are new Canadians or have trouble grasping the English language. I get to help people and not solely worry about the bottom line. This is what I want to do.

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10 of My Favourite Movies

I am not sure why I want to use the number 10 when 5 would be so much easier but I just like that number. With anything else I have a wide area of interests or genres in this case. My go to genres are horror, psychological thrillers and classic anything.

  1. How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) – starring Betty Grable and Marilyn Monroe.
  2. Blazing Saddles (1974) – starring Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little. Mel Brooks does show up but he is the director and has some writing credit I believe.
  3. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) – starring Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, and Ted Lavine.
  4. House of 1000 Corpses (2003)/Devils Rejects (2005) – starring Sid Haig, Sherri Moon Zombie, and Bill Moseley. Ken Foreen starred in Devils Rejects. These are both Rob Zombie movies and I its been a while but I remember him making a short appearance in House of 1000 Corpses.
  5. Goodnight, Mister Tom (1998) – I honestly cannot remember any of the actors who starred in this movie (possibly TV Movie) but I remember crying my heart out.
  6. The Warriors (1979) – Michael Beck is the only actor I can remember and I just watched this a few weeks ago. Classic movie though.
  7. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) – There are just so many people in this movie such as Meatloaf. Even if musicals are not your thing you need to watch this simply because of Tim Curry. This movie simply just makes me happy.
  8. Little Shop of Horrors (1986) – starring Rick Moranis, Vincent Gardenia, Ellen Greene, and many more. I also recently learnt there is an original 1960 The Little Shop of Horrors. I have to find this so I can watch it.
  9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) – I cannot remember any of the actors as it has been forever since I watched it. I really need to buy this movie again.
  10. The Green Mile (1999) – starring Tom Hanks and David Morse.

Technically I listed 11 but the one was a sequel so I don’t think it should count on its own. There are a lot of movies that did not make it on the list. I was also hoping to have newer movies on here but that did not happen. I might do another one of these in the future but stick to a certain decade.

Looking Back on 2016 and Looking Forward to 2017

Following suit of last year, I am doing a goal/objective list of what I would like for 2017. Along with also looking back on 2016. You can find last year’s post here. I first want to start with things that happened in 2016 that were not included on my list.

  • Found an amazing partner and developed a meaningful relationship.
  • So much going on with the office.
  • Big plans made for 2017.
  • First vacation in six years!
  • Tried lots of new foods.
  • Seen my father for the first time in a year and a half.

I know there is more but I just cannot seem to think of anything else. So, I want to look at what was on the list for 2016.

  • Cutting my debt by 1/3 at least

I did an update on this back in October. You can find that post here. Now just like in the update post I have made no progress with my credit card debt. The debt I have been working on is near paid. I have cut my debt by 1/3. This also did not include my car loan which I did pay off last year as well.

  • Effie and Little M moving up here with me

This we are not going to get into and will be the last time it is brought up on the blog.

  • Continued research into adoption

I did lots of research into this. However I am not currently doing more looking into it.

  • Bringing my blog follow back up (as well as keeping current with those I follow)

I really do not know how to gauge this one. I mean I have been reading lots of blogs and all of the ones I follow. I have not been active with commenting or communicating though.

  • Creating and continuing the stability in my life

I have been doing this. Not really able to explain how it is working at this point but it is.

  • Entering the next step of my career (my own clients and taking on payroll for the office)

Yes I have taken on payroll. I must say I am fairly good at it. At least for our province, not sure about labour laws in other provinces though. I would not say I have my own clients since the direction has changed.

I feel like I did well in 2016 and 2017 is going to be full of big things. Here is a list of goals or milestones I would like to meet for 2017.

  • I have to quit smoking again :(. This time it will stick though because of surprise reasons.
  • Moving back to the small town.
  • Than buying a place in said small town.
  • Dealing more with clients in the office.
  • Making sure things stay caught up in the office. Keeping the new procedures in place.
  • Having my debt cut in 1/2 from what it was at the beginning of 2017.
  • Staying on top of the blog.
  • Keeping my time and life organized.

We have a couple plans for 2017 and I do not want to put them on the list as they may not happen. Those are not in our control. The ones that will give me the most trouble will be the last two. I have real hope though and I will pull through on all of it. What does your 2017 year look like?

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