What?! Another Update

As I start typing this post out I am thinking about the million other things I still need to do. Things that are very important to get done because soon I will either not be able to do them or I just will not have the interest to do it.

I have a plan though. Yes, I know, I have plans all the time but I promise this time is different. The reason it is different is there is a part of our life that has not really been made public yet. I will be doing a post about that soon here. It makes it easier just to go about blogging instead of beating around the bush.

I have only fallen behind on one review post. After I have this posted I will just throw up the Septembers Little Life Box. I know we are over that and I did just get in Octobers. It was still a good box none the less.

Shortly after that I will be posting about the quarterly update. Which catches me up on the ‘currently’ regular posts. Maybe than I will get around to everything else I have been putting off…