Donations – Part One

I will not be going into much detail here. This picture is from earlier this year. All of this stuff was in Missy’s room (she still is co-sleeping in my room). All of this was ‘crap’ that I needed to get out. Everything went to a local thrift store. This included all sorts of home items, pregnancy items, baby items, and clothing. The printer went to the local recycling facility.

I am always amazed at how much things pile up. Things also tend to pile up as I am a procrastinator. I am trying to give myself a limited spot for donations. More to force myself to deal with it. I do not have the problem where I will go back and take the item out of the box. But that box gets full and I make a second one and that ends up in the way somewhere in the house.

I have also taken a full load of items to our local pregnancy care centre. A mix of items that Missy has outgrown, to big to use, or we will not get around to using it before it expires and a few boxes of pampers.

Cleaning and Organizing – Living Area – Behind the Couch Part One

Okay so there is not a lot that needs to be done in the living room. However the space behind the couch still holds quite a bit of stuff that actually belongs in the office.

I do not actually touch the boxes behind the couch but as you can see here the baby swing started to just catch things.

Going through everything I have a basket for cords. I also have a basket for Command Hooks and the labels I use on storage tubs. The other items still need to find a home though.

*I have since given the white mouse to my Mother.

The items in a line in the middle do not have a place to go. That is not 100% true. The tape I use to label food storage and I was using the Sharpie for that. I have moved them to the tool box.

This small pile of stuff was relocated to the office and has not been put a way yet.

All of these items are going. It is not much but hey unneeded items tend to add up very quickly.

The last few things are kind of an action need before being dealt with. There are a couple things that belong in the car. The phone I need to plug in and reset. Once that is done I will take it in. The cord that is still in waping is for my personal computer. Not sure if that computer still works. If the computer does not work than I will get rid of the cords.

The baby swing is also being donated because it takes up an insane amount of space! Especially since Missy is to big for it.


Cleaning and Organizing – Office – Paperwork Part One

Something that has been stopping me in my office and causing me grief has been my personal paperwork. I did not have a place to put these things and the piles were everywhere. Literally everywhere in the house. One day I said ‘screw it’ and went out to purchase whatever filing cabinet I could from the local Staples.

Now the first place I started was mine and Mister’s tax returns. I did have them in another place but I wanted to put them in the filing cabinet. The reason I opted to move these first was because I knew there were NOA and what not mixed up in these piles and they needed to go with their corresponding year. In the above picture are the folders I had my taxes organized in up until 2015 I believe.

The entire bottom drawer is taxes and nearly full. I did not have tabs at this point so I just marked all of the hanging folder with whatever stickies I could locate. I also did not have folders (the ones I have in my office are for clients).

This lid did not contain much but I started with this box and moved onto the sorter that is on top of my desk (no picture). Which was stuffed full!

This basket was also over flowing with paperwork. As you can see though I had emptied it. I started putting my manuals here.

This ended up being my pile of recycling.

This is also where I stopped. I ran out of hanging folders and needed someone to pick me up more the next day. I was completely beside myself on the fact that I used an entire box of hanging folders and I was not done yet.

I did work on emptying out the desk the night after. Why I only took pictures of two out of three drawers I have no idea. But they were all full. I also want to get the desk out of the way. I am repainting it and using it as my vanity. Plus, it was just simply in the way. I cleaned off the desk top and emptied out the drawers. Desk was moved out to the shed in the mean time.

Now at this point my basket of manuals has grown ha-ha. Before you say I can get these online. I am aware of that but I honesty like having them immediately on hand.

In the end I got tabs for the folders. I also got folder to micro-organize.

I know it is not very exciting for photos and I am getting this together so that you can also watch a video of it if that is your thing. Despite all that though it was so weight-lifting to be able to put such a big aspect of my life a way. I do even now still have to go through the manuals and I have a few more piles that have accumulated since this was done.

I want to add about my office that  I do not take very many pictures in here because I also work from home and those things do not need to be shared. So, even if I am making progress I may not be able to document it.