It Has Been a While

I felt like I was getting better at posting and than things just seemed not to happen ha-ha. I mean it has not been like things have been interesting or anything.

Effie will be moving here in less than a month, tax season is upon us which means busy times with work, and I am re-learning to draw. Yes, I said that right. My right arm (which is my dominant arm) is in some pretty bad shape. Now I love to draw, colour, and paint but it puts extra stress on it. The options end up being that I continue on and lose the ability to do anything with my right arm very early on. I can quit drawing, writing letters, blogging, anything causing the extra strain but there is no release in that. Or I can do some of this stuff with my left arm.

It is not very much fun at all. I have been practicing with writing with my left hand for about six years now. I still very much write like a toddler or such just in a smaller fashion. I have always been able to colour in a child’s colouring book so I don’t feel like that is much of a feat. Drawing is kind of depressing though. I actually just drew a picture and I mean it could be worse but it is not pretty either. It isn’t even my style to began with.

Any ways my original plan for a series I am slightly moving away from because there are something’s that could become an issue. I started to think I could do my learning to draw as a series instead with bi-weekly or monthly updates. This would depend on how often I take the time (because it is a very slow process) to sit down and do something. Than I will also do updates with Effie and I’s ‘adventures’ on just as what we do together as friends but also living with a friend. This can be very hard and in some cases it can ruin a friendship

There should be plenty to share with you in the coming future and who knows maybe Effie will want to write her own pieces? We will just have to see how things turn out.