A Week of Cleaning – Sunday March 24 2019

I had a fail at doing a week mini series. Here is the thing though, the house will be a disaster for longer than I would like to imagine. As long as I can remember I will make a post. I still want to use the title that I  originally decided on but I will be adding the physical date as well. Eventually I will go back to update the previous posts that I had already done up. Practice makes habit and practice will also improve these posts. Please bare with me while they get there.

Now, Sundays are the days just to ease into the cleaning week. Very simple and normally it does not take very long. We do the deck, the entry, and the laundry area. The only thing that I did that followed what I put down for myself was the laundry area. We might as well start there.

Not much as you can see from the picture. I did put a way all the items that have been air drying much longer than what they actually need to be. I did not wipe down the machines or anything because no one but me will notice that I skipped a week.

This closet though has been weighing on me for quite a while. What you do not get to notice is that the dog shampoo bottle leaked all over the shelf who knows how long ago. Things are also not put where they should be.

I cleaned up the shampoo and put things back in their home. I also pulled ALL of the dog items that were expired. Which turns out to be all of them. The closet looks so nice and empty. Not for long I do need to put many things a way.

Now on to the whole reason why I only did the laundry area. I needed to start dealing with the kitchen. Despite that the kitchen is on Mondays schedule. It had been skipped to many times.

I took this in the morning and honestly I just slowly did things through out the day. I started with the dishes. Unloaded the dishwasher and then loaded it. Put a way the dishes in the drying sink and then washed the the dishes that were on the counter (not dishwasher safe). Took a break from there and made pancakes with strawberry topping.

While Missy was eating a way at those I decided to give the pantry a quick tackle. This will be a mess again tomorrow since Missy gets into it all the time.

Picked up the cans, put a way snacks, and emptied out bags sitting in the kitchen that had dry goods in them. It really does not take all that long but putting Missy to bed, diaper change, bath, or food trumps putting things a way. This goes for cold items as well. I just take the bag and shove it the fridge or freezer.

Missy eventually went down for her nap and I went on to roast some onions and mushrooms. This way I had something quick in the fridge for the next few days. Creating more dishes. Yay!

Not perfect but I got everything done on the left side of the kitchen sink. The pans on the stove just need to be put a way and the items by the sink need to be washed out before going in to the recycling. A little bit was done on the right side of the kitchen sink. Really it was dishes that needed to be done.

Keep in mind this was not a kitchen day. The dishes really are part of an everyday thing but the pantry and fridge were kind of bonuses. I did forget to take pictures of the fridge. Do not get me wrong it was not nasty or anything but it was stuffed. Which meant I was not getting to items that needed to be used and they were past the usable time period.

They ‘Got Done’ list…. see upgraded from the pen and paper. Spelling errors from dictating but that is real life and I am not concerned about it. You can see a small overview of the day. The only other huge thing I did was that I gave Bullet a quick haircut. It is not perfect but it is a start and it may still get cold out again. I will touch him up in couple days. By than he would have a bath and everything would be settled back in. Plus the razor died and needs to be recharged.



Doga: Starting Yoga with Galaxy

Oh how I wish I got a photo or video clip of when I completed a yoga video with Galaxy existing. It was all cute until both dogs decided they should be weaved in between me and then start playing while I was in the downward dog pose. It did not end well for any of us.

I haven not done yoga in at least two years. This is a new thing for her. The last few months I have not been able to complete a secession as she would push against me or try playing. This time she pretty much just relaxed; laid on her side with her paws under my body. Depending on the pose or switches she would push her head under my body as well. I am not bothered by this. I actually quite enjoy the dogs relaxing beside me. It just makes switching interesting at times. Although, her taking up half the mat is something I could live with out.

Bullet was more interested in hanging out during the relaxing entrance and exit of the secession. It is another topic but Bullet loved when I practiced belly dancing with a coin belt on. That is not safe for him though as I could accidently step on him while he laid there. I am afraid to introduce that one to Galaxy.

Right now I am focusing on routine that is good for people who sit for long periods of time. With tax season coming up very quickly I would like the routine to be slightly easier so I can reap the full benefits of relaxing and de-stressing after a long day of frustrations.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook at Chocolate Milk Cows!

Getting Galaxy Healthy Again

Between Galaxy and I, things have been interesting. Lets start with Galaxy though. A couple months ago I did a phone consult with the vet on what was going on with her scratching. We opted to change her food ($110.00CAD per bag) and that did not seem to do much. She was on it for four weeks before the annual appointment. All kinds of skin scraping’s and test showed nothing. We were told to change her food again to something much more hypo-allergenic ($150.00CAD per bag). Not so exciting when it comes to budgeting.

She has also been on medication since the appointment. She received a topical dose of de-wormer, two horse sized oral de-wormer pills, oral antibiotics, and a form of steroid. She has been on the antibiotics and steroids for two weeks now. I have to tell you it is like having the old Galaxy back. Feels like a miracle! She has another two week round of antibiotics. I am hoping she is not having an allergic reaction and the antibiotics have killed whatever may have been bothering her. The steroids are now half a pill every two nights. I am hoping to bring the dose down even more before we go on holidays.

November 29 2016

This is after the vet appointment. You can see she rubbed the hair out from around her eyes. Plus, you can see how red her skin is. This was taken November 29 2016.

December 13 2016

This was taken December 13 2016. It is obvious that her skin is much better. The hair will take some to grow back though.

She has not been scratching. Maybe a little here and there but no more than a healthy dog would. Her pads seem to be tender in the snow as well. Although it does not help that we have had -20C to -30C for a while yet.

December 06 2016

She has such tiny feet for a dog that looks so big. They even match her winter jacket!

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook at Chocolate Milk Cows!

Camping July 2016

For the first time in over a decade I went camping. While it was only for a couple of nights I was ecstatic. I could take the dogs (see if it could become a regular thing) and I got to see family. Getting things ready was a bit hectic only because it was very little notice and my car was going in for brakes the same Friday that I was suppose to leave. Driving out to the ground (2.5 hours) I was so very excited. I had not seen the kids or my sister since Dittany’s birthday which was the beginning of December and I had yet to meet my newest niece (no special name for her yet).

Friday went over well. Dittany was excited to see me and Acacia…well he  is never too excited for much for very long. It did not take Galaxy long to sniff the kids out and leave them be. However she was protective the entire weekend. I cannot say that to much happened. Friday night/Saturday morning was a different story though. J got up and when he came back into the camper he did not close the door all the way (or it did not latch but the next part is not to surprising). I woke up to mosquitos eating me alive and it took a minute or two but I realized the door was open. It took a few more seconds to realize that Galaxy was no longer in the camper. I think she pushed the door open but she was gone. I left her training collar turned on more so for the barking. I am glad I did that as I had gone outside and did not want to wake the whole camp ground up screaming her name. Then have people freak out. All I had to do was vibrate her collar a couple of times (it is good for up 3/4 mile or 1.2 km approximately) and she came barreling down the road.

The rest of Saturday was pretty good as far as the dogs were concerned. I cuddled with baby plenty. Not a the entire time as there was lots of visiting to do in such a short amount of time. I did get to introduce her Galaxy (maybe that happened Friday night) and Galaxy was very gentle. She only ever toughed her lightly with her nose, did not lick her at all. I was impressed to say the least. I taught Dittany the night before what Galaxy’s hand commands were. Dittany was able to tell Galaxy to sit and lie down with out anyone else around (we were in the camper and I was spying ha-ha).

Freddy, Galaxy, and Baby July 16 2016
Freddy, Galaxy, and Baby July 16 2016

I did get one picture and I love this picture. As long as Galaxy was in the middle and could protect every one she was fairly happy. Plus she just likes being around the kids. I realize I have not really mentioned Bullet. He is pretty much set in his ways. He wants to be around everyone but having to be on a lead makes that difficult for him. Every two minutes you are untangling him. He was never left alone and Dittany walked him which means he did get some run time in. I did have to put him in the camper twice though. He would have a barking fit and controlling two dogs of two very different sizes was not easy.

We took a walk, we also went down to the river. Galaxy did get a very little bit of off leash time since we were away from everyone. She wanted to wade in the river and I was not about to join her ha-ha. That evening I drank more than I normally would (but that is what you do when you are camping). The dogs and I slept in the tent so there would be no one missing in the morning again. Maybe next time Dittany will actually join me in there.

Sunday was uneventful. Freddy did most of the packing and to be fair I did kind of avoid it. I held out in the tent for as long as I possibly could. I had been up much earlier that morning before any one else was up and grabbed my pills from the camper. My shoulder was in very bad shape between sleeping in the camper and then having slept in the tent. When I got back the door was open (Galaxy was on her lead so no worries about strangers entering it) but I also let mosquitos in. After all the trouble we gave J on Saturday. I think they need to invest in a bungee cord or something. Slamming the door and potentially waking up kids was not something I was about to do.

All in all it was a fantastic weekend and I would love to be able to do it again. Being able to see almost everyone was amazing and I rekindle my love for camping. If not this year I want to do it again next year and be much more prepared. Like having a cot to sleep on instead of a foamy on top of the dog bed from the car. I also wanted more pictures but I do not focus on those things when I do actually get time with the kids. I gave them disposables and should be able to pull a few pictures for the album from those.

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