My First Time Container Gardening – Week Zero

Last week I had put up a post on how I was going to do a container garden series this year. Even more exciting since I will be doing it from beginning to end; instead of just pieces here and there for other people. So here it goes!

Now I do not have everything, I still have some seeds I need to purchase and pots to order. Below is a photo of what my ‘not a waste of time or money’ project looks like so far.

Seedlings Started on May 24 2016
Seedlings Started on May 24 2016

Now I really tried to put the names on the picture through various photo editors but they all kept crashing at the save point. So, I gave up.

Starting from the beginning, I borrowed the tray from Mom (I am the first one to use it :D) plus a clear plastic dome top. I am using Jiffy Peat Pots and Schultz Seed Starter. I opted for Shultz because I do use their plant food which I quite like. Those were purchased at Canadian Tire.

Now for the plants. Starting from left to right.

Tanya’s Pink Pod Beans – Pumpkin Moon (Fall 2014) **See Note Below

Thelma Sanders Squash – Free Gift from Edible Antiques (Fall 2014)

Sugar Baby Watermelon – Pumpkin Moon (Fall 2014) **See Note Below

Ground Cherry – Purchased from Edible Antiques (Fall 2014)

I will be purchasing four more varieties of seeds from Edible Antiques again. I was very pleased with service I had received. While I did not have any issues I did 100% feel like I would get results if there had been a problem. I will hopefully be doing (pending approval) a full review with the new purchase.

Right now there really is not much to show. I planted two of the last three in case one does not come out healthy. I will be planting six to eight bean plants which made four seem like a safe number. Another four will be started after these ones get put in their container.

I will stop this here. I also want to note I will add other pictures to this post sometime in the next couple days. It is late and I wanted to get this done. Fingers crossed everything turns out good!

**Pumpkin Moon Farms were purchased by another company since I have order from them. It does seem that the purchasing company was already established. I however have not and will not be ordering from them this year. There is a possibility in the future as I would like to continue purchasing heirloom seeds with in Canada. If you do have any experience with the new owning company I would love to hear about your experience.