Back at the Snail Mail

While I was trying to get things back on track I fell very behind in replying to letter. I did recently get some done and sent out though!

Mailed June 16 2016

I have six (I forgot one for the picture) letters going out. They are going to:

  • Canada
  • USA
  • Hong Kong
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Australia

I still have a few more that I need to finish replying to and still some first letters I need to finish up.

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A Little Frustrated

I only managed to get one letter done this morning so I sent four off this afternoon. I need to send the three going over seas by air mail of course (all four ended up going this way). I told them it needed to be airmail then I was told it was going to cost $65.00 CAD each! I told them straight out that was not right. I am sending letters not parcels. Something got crossed with information and all four cost me less than $10.00 CAD. After which I was told that the wax seals I use on my envelopes are not allowed. I have been using wax seals for over a year now and have never heard that from any post mistress or post employee before. They are not stickers but actual seals. They are not about to wreck anything more than some of the stickers or embellishments I have seen on some letters. To say the least I will be checking the government website to find out.

Than I called to book an appointment for both my dogs at the vet (which is an hour a way from me). I get told I cannot book Galaxy in till December. I said fine than Bullet can wait till than to go in for his appointment. I live an hour a way and I tried last year to make sure the dogs would go in on the same day. I was than told that Bullet’s due for his shot at the end of the month. I repeated myself. I then get told that Bullet will have to come in the following year to for his shots again. I said that was fine and said the good byes.

I was very clear last year about my dogs coming in the same time last year. I can let that go because I will make sure it is done this year. The thing is though, Bullet gets his shots every year. He gets his wellness exam and a through look at his teeth and then we shoot him up with everything he needs. Honestly it will be cheaper for me as well. I am doing one trip to take my dogs in, not two. Plus I do not like driving in the winter when I do not have to.

I am ranting and raving. On the bright side one of my friends is coming down tonight. Easter weekend went horrible so here’s to hoping this time goes better. Either way she needed time a way. It would be filled with partying or anything but lots of horror movies are going to be happening.

Letter Writing

I have a letter that is about half way done. I had been hoping to send it out two weeks ago but things started going on and I had to put it aside. Unfortunately Galaxy did find it and it got kind of dirty. I will have to try to clean it up the best that I can.

Aside from that I have not received any new letters, so I really am not that far behind. I believe my other letter friend has gone back to school now too. I am not really sure when I should expect another one from her. The others are pretty much just at random. I mean I reply asap but I am not sure when to expect one from them.

I am hoping to get new letter friends here soon. I really do quite enjoy it and I find it a much more personal relationship then just online friends. I mean thought goes in to writing letters (I tend to babble but hey those are thoughts too ha-ha), some people doodle, some send small items. You never know what to expect. They are always personalized in some way.

All that being said. I should get back to work and hopefully tonight I will finish that letter. I go to the post office tomorrow. It would be great timing I think.

WANTED: New Penpals

Right now I am listening to the thunderstorm that is happening outside. Right now would be a great time to write some letters. I would like to find some new penpals since things are getting back to the normal (even before I have finished unpacking) I will be able to keep them caught up. Is there anyone who is interested?